Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Nasty Four Letter Word...DIET

When you hear or even think about the word diet, do you immediately feel chains binding you up? This one little four letter word can invoke fear, desperation, even a deep sense of failure. Why? Why do we let a simple word do that to us? For me it's because I have let this word dominate and defeat me in the past. Not just once either...over and over. I can't tell you the number of times I have tried a diet (THE diet) just to face failure or to give up a few days or weeks later because it was hard work and it is easier to not diet. I have decided that I can't play the diet game anymore. I decided that I don't want that nasty 4 letter word in my vocabulary anymore. After I decided that, God led me to an acrostic for the word diet. D.I.E.T. A whole new way of thinking about this word. This acrostic is going to bring inspiration. Before we get into that, here are a few things to think about.

The first thing you have to ask yourself is are you ready for life change? And willing to work for it? It won't be easy. It's something you will have to consciously choose to do every day! You will have to sacrifice and tell yourself NO! WHAAAAAT? Is this as unheard of for you as it is for me? It's not going to be easy. Life change never is...but it will be worth it!

Second, do you know that your body is important to God? We need to acknowledge that He created our bodies to be used for His purpose. Can you do that if you are unhealthy and overweight? Romans 12:1 tells us, "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship." If you have accepted Christ as your Savior, your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit. We have to clean up our temples. My God doesn't deserve a fat pit!! He deserves a well toned, healthy, properly functioning temple that can be used and used as He sees fit. I know that I can lean on Him to get the strength that I need to achieve that.

Third, you have to follow Jesus' words in Matthew 16:24-25 and deny yourself. Deny yourself: at mealtime, at exercise time, during family get together's (if you have to skip the pot luck to avoid overeating, then do it), and even when you are just sitting around watching TV. You also must identify and take up your cross(es). What is your weight-loss/health cross? I personally have several - eating too much at meal time, not eating on a regular schedule, and late night snacking. I was discussing the late night snacking with a friend and telling her about the 9:00 bell that goes off inside of me to signal it is time to eat - nothing healthy either, chocolate and chips. She told me of someone who just started going to bed whenever she felt the late night munchies. She apparently was very rested!

Next time I will get into the D.I.E.T. acrostic. I think you will find it as enlightening as I did. Until then search your heart and determine if you are ready to break the chains of the diet fear. Are you ready to embrace life change, accept that our bodies belong to God and need to be cleaned up, and be ready to deny ourselves and take up our crosses? I am and I hope you join me.

Friday, December 26, 2008

New Life Resolution

As the new year approaches, many people will begin to start thinking of their New Year Resolutions. This is such a meaningless tradition. So many times people think of the things in their life that need changed, that they desperately want changed and they resolve to change them on the first day of the new year! Why wait? Is waiting going to make it easier to accomplish? Is waiting going to give you the strength, courage, resolve to follow through? Of course not. If you want to make changes to your life, don't wait and make a New Year Resolution, start now, today, and make a New Life Resolution! That is what I have chosen to do. For so many years, I have complained about my weight and the health of my body. I have made New Year Resolutions to lose weight and to get healthy. It never lasts. I may make a temporary change and eat healthy for a few days, even weeks, but eventually I get caught up in my old habits and go back to my "normal way of life". The flipping of a calendar page is not going to magically make things easier to complete or change. It actually might even make a lasting change harder to accomplish...because you have a built in excuse for one keeps their New Year Resolutions! Everyone knows that and it is an acceptable practice to fail or quit.

I'm tired of my failures being acceptable. I don't want a New Year change that will last a few days or weeks. I want a lifestyle change that will last forever. I've accepted that a Life Change is not something that I can easily do on my own. I have tried so many times that I have lost count and I have failed each and every time. Life change is hard, it takes work and for me it takes God leading me. This is where I have failed in the past. I have tried it on my own. I have tried to change with "me" in control and I think we all know that is never a good thing. I'm not saying that everyone has to put God first in order to lose weight and get healthy, but for me that is true.

Over the next few months I am going to be describing the new journey that I am going to be on with God. I'll keep you updated on my successes and failures and what I am learning from the process of living my New Life Resolution!